Emergency Rupture repair Kit

Everyday is a good day to begin a conscious relationship

A Conscious Couple ensures safety for each other at ALL the times, even if you're still triggered or holding a charge, disengage and set a time within 24hrs to read the following together and carry out the short exercise below.

Remember: It's healthy not to agree.

Conscious Couples Relationship MAXIM

“It's never about what it's about, and it's never about the other person!” especially when it really feels like it is.

Now is the time to choose to do things differently ask yourself this question: Do you want to be right by making your partner wrong? Or do you want both of you to be happy?

Conscious Couples take 100% responsibility for their 50% and no matter how it looks its always 50%.

Take it in turns to offer and receive these words. They’re powerful, magic and quick, they ALWAYS work when spoken with reverence and sincerity.

Ho' oponopono

  • “I’m sorry for my part in co-creating this rupture in connection.”
  • “Please forgive me for not considering / understanding your needs/perspective on things.”
  • “I love you.”
  • “Thank you for giving me another opportunity for healing and growth.”

When relationships breakdown it's usually due to disagreements, misalignments or miss understandings that arise from the struggle for power. One party thinks they’re right and the therefore needs the other to be wrong. One party wants power over or to control the actions or behavior of the other.”

As a Conscious Couple you learn that you are both neither right nor wrong despite how right you may feel on any particular issue you simply have a perspective and that perspective is subjective.

In our work together I teach dialogues and the complete energy realignment tools for major ruptures and historic resentments. Please do get in touch - call Matthew today on 01179730606.

Get in touch

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential.

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